June 16, 2014

A Quick Update

            It's been a while since I've actually just sat and had a chat with you all. Things have been quite chaotic as of late and as much as I would love to post everyday it's extremely hard. Things get in the way and you have to prioritize. No matter how much I love typing and creating posts they sometimes need to be tossed to the back burner, I hate doing it but sometimes you just don't have a choice. I applaud bloggers who do have the ability to post every single day, because you think it would be easy but a lot actually goes into each post. You write them in order to have your voice heard, whether it's by thousands of people or just one. But with the start of summer things are going to be much easier for me in regards to posting. For one, I'll have loads more to post about and much more time to do it. I just wanted to take the time to first off thank you for taking the time out of your hectic lives to even read this. I'm just a normal girl who honestly doesn't have much to talk about, so the fact that you even sit in front of your computer or on your phone to read what I'm saying is amazing to me. I also wanted to kind of tell you guys what you can be expecting soon. I'm leaving for London tonight or early tomorrow morning and I couldn't be anymore excited! From London I'll then be taking the train, or whatever it's called to Paris. And on those trips I've decided to try my hand at vlogging. And it could either turn out extremely well or horribly so we'll see how that goes. But I plan on getting back to outfit posts and things along those lines. I hope everyone is having an amazing start to summer and I can't wait to share my adventures with you all! 

All my love,

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